[BLOG TIPS] Strategi Promosi Blog agar Banyak Pengunjung

[BLOG TIPS] Strategi Promosi Blog agar Banyak Pengunjung - STRATEGI PROMOSI BLOG AGAR BANYAK PENGUNJUNG. Setelah kita bekerja keras mendesain tampilan dan mengisi blog dengan konten-konten yang siap menarik minat pembaca, maka tibalah saatnya kita memperkenalkan blog kita kepada khalayak ramai. Sebagus apapun blog kita, belum puas kan kalau nggak banyak yang mengunjungi?Agar blog kita banyak

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“Balas Dendam” untuk Kalselteng

Senin, 28 Maret 2011 Saya merasa berhutang besar kepada Kalimantan Selatan dan Kalimantan Tengah. Dua provinsi yang menjadi satu sistem kelistrikan itu termasuk yang kurang sukses dalam menjalankan program mengatasi pemadaman bergilir. Penyebabnya adalah melesetnya janji pengusaha yang memenangkan tender pengadaan pembangkit di Kalsel-Kalteng (Kalselteng). Bahkan, pengusaha tersebut akhirnya

5 Fakta Seputar Bir

Kompas.com - Jika Amerika Serikat mempunyai minuman beralkohol resmi, barangkali bir yang akan terpilih. Menurut data Brewers Association, pasar minuman bir di Amerika mencapai 101 miliar dollar AS pada tahun 2009.  Selain di negeri Paman Sam, bir termasuk dalam minuman yang populer di seluruh dunia.Meski mengandung alkohol, ternyata bir juga punya manfaat bagi kesehatan. Dalam takaran kecil, bir

India Defeats Pakistan in Cricket World Cup 2011

India won the coin toss and batted first. They exploded at the outset, racking up runs in quick fashion but a succession of wickets (the equivalent of outs in baseball) kept India in check and meant they posted a score of 260 runs which, while respectable, was certainly attainable for a Pakistani side capable of beating anyone on its day.Similarly, Pakistan made a positive start in its reply,

India Defeats Pakistan in Cricket World Cup 2011

India won the coin toss and batted first. They exploded at the outset, racking up runs in quick fashion but a succession of wickets (the equivalent of outs in baseball) kept India in check and meant they posted a score of 260 runs which, while respectable, was certainly attainable for a Pakistani side capable of beating anyone on its day.Similarly, Pakistan made a positive start in its reply,

100 Juta Orang Meninggal Akibat Merokok

Anak-anak perokokREPUBLIKA.CO.ID,YOGYAKARTA--Sebanyak 100 juta orang meninggal dunia akibat merokok tembakau pada abad ke-20, dan diperkirakan akan mencapai satu miliar orang pada abad ke-21, kata pakar kesehatan dari Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Agus Widyatmoko. "Penggunaan tembakau juga menjadi faktor risiko bagi beberapa penyebab kematian di dunia, di antaranya penyakit jantung

Punya Bakat Batu Ginjal? Cegah dengan Minum 3 Liter Air/hari

Surabaya - Penyakit batu ginjal sulit dideteksi. Penyakit ini juga sebagian besar diturunkan sehingga ada orang yang memang punya bakat batu ginjal.Orang yang punya bakat batu ginjal harus memperhatikan konsumsi air minumnya. Orang yang punya batu ginjal atau bakat batu ginjal diusahakan volume urinenya 2 liter dalam 24 jam sehingga ia dianjurkan minum 3 liter air per hari.Orang yang bakat

Yuk, Makan Sayur Agar Ginjal Sehat

Surabaya - Diet sayuran tidak hanya baik untuk menjaga berat badan ideal atau melancarkan sistem pencernaan. Sebuah studi yang belum lama ini dilakukan mengungkap, pola makan dengan sayuran juga bisa membantu penderita penyakit ginjal untuk menghindari akumulasi toksin dari peningkatan phosporus di dalam tubuh mereka.Phosporus merupakan suatu kimia yang sering dihubungkan dengan metabolisme

5 Cara Sederhana Untuk Dapatkan Jantung Sehat

Surabaya - Setiap orang tentunya ingin memiliki jantung yang sehat. Namun untuk mendapatkannya tidaklah mudah. Sedari dini, Anda perlu lebih memperhatikan kesehatan, salah satunya dengan lima langkah sederhana ini.Menurut Holly Andersen, direktur pendidikan di rumah sakit NewYork-Presbyterian, ada beberapa langkah yang sebaiknya dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesehatan jantung dan tubuh setiap

Mitos tentang makanan &minuman

Surabaya - Banyak mitos tentang makanan dan minuman yang berkembang di masyarakat sejak lama. Padahal belum tentu teruji kebenarannya, atau mungkin terlalu banyak penambahan materi di dalamnya. Benarkah demikian?"Eh, jangan kebanyakan makan cokelat nanti gemuk!" atau "Minum air putih yang banyak deh, berat badan nanti juga turun," dua diantara ungkapan demikian sering kita dengar. Banyak mitos

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Adrian begun his career at the age of 16 as a Club DJ. At the age of 18, he already had his own radio show. The next step in his career was producing the songs that were the core of the first Akcent album, a famous Romanian band that he has been a member of ever since.In 2002, Adrian collaborated with Marius Moga and the result, Akcent “In culori” was the best selling album of the year in Romania

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Adrian begun his career at the age of 16 as a Club DJ. At the age of 18, he already had his own radio show. The next step in his career was producing the songs that were the core of the first Akcent album, a famous Romanian band that he has been a member of ever since.In 2002, Adrian collaborated with Marius Moga and the result, Akcent “In culori” was the best selling album of the year in Romania

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Pakistan Vs India Crowed

Cricket is now international game tomorrow 30.03.2011 the semifanal cricket match between Pakistan an india for pakistani people this is not a semi final match this is final match for them they are all praying for win that match this is not a match only this is war i hope we will win this match i love my Pakistan and i don't like cricket but i will se this match tommorrow because it is much

Pakistan Vs India Crowed

Cricket is now international game tomorrow 30.03.2011 the semifanal cricket match between Pakistan an india for pakistani people this is not a semi final match this is final match for them they are all praying for win that match this is not a match only this is war i hope we will win this match i love my Pakistan and i don't like cricket but i will se this match tommorrow because it is much

Pakistan Vs India

Both Side are have some really match winner who can change any situation of match in any time .Both nations have more curious about this match because of rivalry . And no one want to loose this mega match and want to proceed further to World Cup Final but this Cricket and only one proceed further .From Indian Side Sachin Tendulker , Vrinder Sehwag and Yuvraj Singh is in full form and become the

Pakistan Vs India

Both Side are have some really match winner who can change any situation of match in any time .Both nations have more curious about this match because of rivalry . And no one want to loose this mega match and want to proceed further to World Cup Final but this Cricket and only one proceed further .From Indian Side Sachin Tendulker , Vrinder Sehwag and Yuvraj Singh is in full form and become the

Buah Naga Kuatkan Fungsi Ginjal

KOMPAS.com - Sajen buat dewa ini sangat bermanfaat bagi kesehatan manusia. Buah yang kaya serat, vitamin, dan mineral ini mampu mencegah berbagai macam penyakit degeneratif, mengurangi tekanan emosi, dan menetralkan racun dalam darah.Buah naga memiliki penampilan sangat unik dan menarik. Ukurannya sebesar mangga gedong gincu, dengan warna merah menyala. Kulitnya seperti sisik ular besar (naga),

10 Bahan Pangan Musuh Kolesterol

KOMPAS.com -  Memilih makanan yang tepat adalah salah satu bagian penting dari pola hidup sehat. Ada baiknya Anda tak sekedar memilih atau mengonsumsi bahan-bahan pangan yang bernutrisi tinggi, tetapi juga bermanfaat lebih bagi kesehatan seperti mengandung zat-zat yang dapat mengikis lemak jahat.Berikut ini adalah 10 bahan pangan yang patut dipilih dalam memenuhi kebutuhan gizi setiap hari.

Jadwal Lengkap Moto GP 2011

#fullpost{display:inline;}Jadwal Lengkap Moto GP 2011 - Akhirnya musim 2010 berakhir dengan menetapkan Jorge Lorenzo dari tim FIAT Yamaha sebagai Juara Baru menggeser seniornya yang juga rekan satu

Indian cricket team for 2011 world cup cricket

Indian Cricket Team Squad Players for ICC World Cup 2011Indian cricket team for 2011 world cup cricket Indian cricket team for 2011 world cup cricket Indian cricket team for 2011 world cup cricket Indian cricket team for 2011 world cup cricket

Indian cricket team for 2011 world cup cricket

Indian Cricket Team Squad Players for ICC World Cup 2011Indian cricket team for 2011 world cup cricket Indian cricket team for 2011 world cup cricket Indian cricket team for 2011 world cup cricket Indian cricket team for 2011 world cup cricket

Belimbing Wuluh Penurun Tensi Darah

KOMPAS.com — Belimbing wuluh selain mudah ditemukan dan murah harganya juga dikenal sebagai salah satu bumbu sekaligus penyedap masakan. Hebatnya lagi, buah yang terkenal dengan rasanya yang asam ini juga memiliki manfaat sebagai obat alami, terutama untuk menurunkan penyakit tekanan darah tinggi.   Belimbing wuluh termasuk suku atau familia Oxalidaceae. Tumbuhan yang berasal dari Malaysia ini

Mengapa Diabetesi Dilarang Merokok?

Kompas.com - Merokok memang merugikan kesehatan semua orang. Tapi untuk para penderita diabetes (diabetesi), menghisap tembakau akan memperburuk komplikasi penyakit. Pasien diabetes yang nekat terus merokok memiliki tekanan darah lebih tinggi sehingga mereka lebih sulit mengendalikan penyakitnya. Diabetesi perokok juga beresiko lebih besar menderita komplikasi seperti kebutaan, gangguan saraf,

Manmohan, Gilani to watch Indo-Pak battle together

New Delhi/Islamabad: Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has accepted his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh's invitation to watch the World Cup semi-final between the cricket teams of the two countries in Mohali on March 30.The decision, reportedly taken following a meeting between Gilani and Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari late last night, has been conveyed to the Indian

Manmohan, Gilani to watch Indo-Pak battle together

New Delhi/Islamabad: Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has accepted his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh's invitation to watch the World Cup semi-final between the cricket teams of the two countries in Mohali on March 30.The decision, reportedly taken following a meeting between Gilani and Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari late last night, has been conveyed to the Indian

Manmohan, Gilani will attend India vs Pak game at Mohali

Among all possible gestural permutations when 47 world leaders gather together in one room, the meeting of hands which everyone seemed to be waiting for was between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart, Yusuf Raza Gilani.The two Prime Ministers met at the Walter E. Washington convention centre in downtown Washington, venue of the Nuclear Security Summit which got underway

Manmohan, Gilani will attend India vs Pak game at Mohali

Among all possible gestural permutations when 47 world leaders gather together in one room, the meeting of hands which everyone seemed to be waiting for was between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his Pakistani counterpart, Yusuf Raza Gilani.The two Prime Ministers met at the Walter E. Washington convention centre in downtown Washington, venue of the Nuclear Security Summit which got underway

PT DI Gandeng EADS-CASA Produksi Pesawat C295

C295 versi ASW milik Portugal. (Foto: Airbus Military)23 Februari 2011, Jakarta -- (ANTARA News): PT Dirgantara Indonesia (Persero) bekerjasama dengan pabrikan pesawat asal Eropa, European Aeronautic Defense and Space (EADS)-CASA akan membuat pesawat militer jenis C295."Tahap awal kita akan menawarkan pembuatan pesawat jenis C295 ini untuk keperluan TNI yang akan mengganti pesawat jenis Fokker 27

Batam Produksi Kapal Perang Indonesia

Maket KCR-40 produksi PT. Palindo Marine Industri dipamerkan di Indo Defence 2010. (Foto: Berita HanKam)27 Februari 2010, Batam -- (ANTARA Jatim): Perusahaan galangan kapal PT Palindo Marine Industri di Batam memproduksi kapal perang Indonesia yang akan digunakan TNI AL dalam mengamankan perairan laut Indonesia."Indonesia patut berbangga karena memiliki putra putri yang mampu membuat kapal perang

KRI Clurit-641 Buatan PT. Palindo Marine Industries Perkuat Koarmabar

Menhan Purnomo Yusgiantoro tinjau ruang kemudi KRI Clurit. (Foto: Dispenarmabar)28 Februari 2011, Tanjunguncang -- (Berita HanKam): Satu lagi Kapal Perang jenis Kapal Cepat Rudal (KCR) memperkuat jajaran Komando Armada RI Kawasan Barat (Koarmabar). Kapal yang diberi nama Kapal Republik Indonesia (KRI) Clurit-641 merupakan buatan PT.Palindo Marine Industries Tanjunguncang.Produksi Kapal Cepat

Pindad Akan Kembangan Tank Ringan Kanon

Panser kanon produksi PT. PINDAD. (Foto: Berita HanKam)14 Maret 2011, Bandung -- (bisnis-jabar.com): PT Pindad akan mengembangkan kendaraan tempur tank ringan kanon mulai 2014 untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pertahanan TNI Angkatan Darat.Dirut Pindad Adik Avianto Soedarsono mengemukakan rencana tersebut merupakan upaya untuk menjawab kebutuhan panser dan tank TNI AD yang saat ini 90% dipasok produk

Pemerintah Usulkan Nama FAF untuk Jet Tempur Kolaborasi RI-Korsel

15 Maret 2011, TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta - Setelah kerjasama pembuatan pesawat jet tempur KFX antara RI dan Korea Selatan dimulai, Pemerintah Indonesia akan mengajukan usulan perubahan nama pesawat jet tempur hasil kolaborasi dua negara itu."Soal nama masih akan dibahas, kita inginkan ada nama Indonesia di dalamnya," kata Direktur Teknik Industri Pertahanan, Direktorat Jenderal Potensi Pertahanan

Pindad Siapkan Kendaraan Tempur

Tank Scorpion TNI AD. (Foto: Pussenkav)16 Maret 2011, Jakarta -- (KOMPAS): PT Pindad mempersiapkan desain kendaraan tempur untuk memenuhi keterbatasan persenjataan yang dimiliki TNI. Rencananya purwarupa kendaraan itu rampung 2013 dan produksi sudah dimulai tahun berikutnya.Demikian pernyataan Direktur Utama PT Pindad Adik Avianto Sudarsono dalam pertemuan di Pusat Kesenjataan Kavaleri (Pussenkav

PT DI Kembangkan Model Pesawat Mirip Twin Otter

Twin Otter Merpati. (Foto: matanews)16 Maret 2011, Bandung -- (bisnis-jabar.com): PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) mengembangkan model pesawat berpenumpang 19 orang dengan nama N-219, mirip Twin Otter buatan Kanada atau Y-12 buatan China.Direktur Aerostructure PT DI Andi Alisjahbana mengemukakan pengembangan pesawat tersebut telah berjalan selama enam bulan terakhir dan diperkirakan rampung

Indonesia Akan Produksi 1.000 Roket

(Foto: Berita HanKam)17 Maret 2011, Jakarta -- (ANTARA News): Pemerintah Indonesia berencana memproduksi seribu buah roket R122 untuk mendukung sistem pertahanan negara."Kerjasama dengan BPPT (Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT), dan Balitbang. Kita sepakat membangun seribu roket," kata Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro di Jakarta, Kamis.Berbicara saat menjadi saksi penandatangan

Alutsista Indonesia Diminati Asing

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (kanan) melakukan pertemuan dengan Perdana Menteri (PM) Republik Demokratik Timor Leste Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao di Ruang Jepara, Istana Merdeka, Jakarta, Selasa (22/3). Presiden Yudhoyono dan PM Xanana Gusmao beserta masing-masing delegasi melakukan pertemuan bilateral untuk meningkatkan hubungan kedua negara. (Foto: ANTARA/Widodo S. Jusuf/Koz/pd/11)22 Maret 2011,

Kapal LPD-4 Produksi PT. PAL Indonesia Perkuat Unsur Kapal Perang di Jajaran Kolinlamil

21 Maret 2011, Surabaya -- (DMC): Kapal perang jenis Landing Platform Dock (LPD) produksi dalam negeri buatan PT. PAL Indonesia (Persero) secara resmi memperkuat Alutsista TNI Angkatan Laut khususnya unsur kapal perang di jajaran Komando Lintas Laut Militer (Kolinlamil). Kapal perang tersebut diberi nama Kapal LPD-4 KRI Banda Aceh-593.Peresmian ditandai dengan pernyataan peresmian Kapal LPD-4 KRI

Indonesia-China Produksi Rudal Bersama

TNI AL berencana mempersenjatai kapal cepat buatan dalam negeri dengan rudal C-802. (Foto: fas.org)22 Maret 2011, Jakarta -- (ANTARA News): Pemerintah Indonesia dan Republik Rakyat China sepakat untuk meningkatkan kerja sama pertahanan termasuk produksi bersama peluru kendali.Juru bicara Kementerian Pertahanan Brigjen TNI I Wayan Midhio di Jakarta Selasa mengatakan, penjajakan produksi bersama

Pembuatan Rudal Dilakukan Bertahap

24 Maret 2011, Jakarta -- (SINDO): Kerja sama pembuatan peluru kendali jenis C 705 dengan Republik Rakyat China akan dilakukan secara bertahap melalui transfer teknologi dan produksi bersama sampai nantinya Indonesia bisa mencapai kemandirian.Wakil Menteri Pertahanan Letjen TNI Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin mengatakan, pembelian alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) dari China, termasuk peluru kendali

Sejumlah Negara Akan Beli Pesawat dan Kapal Indonesia

KRI Kakap dibangun di PT. PAL.25 Maret 2011, Jakarta -- (TEMPO Interaktif): Sejumlah negara tetangga memutuskan untuk membeli pesawat dan kapal buatan Indonesia, yang dijajakan dalam Asia-Pacific Defence and Security Expo. Pameran itu adalah bagian dari Jakarta International Defense Dialogue (JIDD) yang berlangsung di Balai Sidang Jakarta sejak Rabu (23/3) lalu dan ditutup hari ini, Jumat 25

Bom Sukhoi Dibuat Pabrikan Swasta di Malang

Bom P-100. (Foto: CV. Sari Bahari)26 Maret 2011, Jakarta -- (KOMPAS): Embargo senjata dan tekanan internasional terhadap Pemerintah Indonesia pada masa reformasi membuat banyak pihak geram, tetapi tidak putus asa. Suku cadang pesawat militer buatan Amerika Serikat sempat diembargo, juga pembelian pesawat tempur Sukhoi buatan Rusia tak disertai persenjataan andal.Kondisi itu mendorong Ricky Egam,

Peluncuran KRI Banda Aceh

KRI Banda Aceh-593. (Foto: Kemhan)28 Maret 2011 -- (SINDO): Hari Senin, 21 Maret 2011 lalu terjadi sebuah peristiwa menarik, yaitu serah terima kapal landing platform dock (LPD) dari pembuatnya, PT PAL Surabaya, kepada pemesannya, Departemen Pertahanan,yang diwakili Menteri Pertahanan Purnomo Yusgiantoro.LPD adalah sebuah kapal perang besar yang mampu mengangkut satu batalion pasukan, kendaraan

PTDI Kembangkan CN-235 Anti-Kapal Selam

CN235-220 MPA. (Foto: antarafoto.com)11 Juli 2009, Bandung -- PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) akan mengembangkan pesawat terbang CN-235 Anti-Submarine atau antikapal selam yang menjadi varian terbaru dari produk pesawat terbang berbaling-baling itu."Teknologinya sudah siap, SDM sudah kita miliki. Mereka punya pengalaman merakit dan memodifikasi pesawat jenis itu," kata Direktur Aircraft

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Siapa Bilang Biaya Sertifikasi Halal Mahal ?

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Biaya sertifikasi halal yang ditetapkan oleh Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat-obatan, dan Kosmetika, Majelis Ulama Indonesia (LPPOM MUI), tergolong murah. Apalagi jika dibandingkan dengan ongkos sertifikat lainnya seperti ISO ataupun biaya produk itu sendiri. Terdapat variasi harga untuk industry kecil menengah (IKM) dan perusahaan besar mulai dari batas minimal 0 hingga

N-Dubz Band

N-Dubz are a British hip hop group from London, based around Camden Town. They were previously signed to Polydor Records before joining All Around the World Records. They have had eight top 40 hits on the UK Singles Chart, the most successful being "I Need You", which charted at number five.Their debut album Uncle B was released on 17 November 2008 and debuted at number eleven on the UK Albums

N-Dubz Band

N-Dubz are a British hip hop group from London, based around Camden Town. They were previously signed to Polydor Records before joining All Around the World Records. They have had eight top 40 hits on the UK Singles Chart, the most successful being "I Need You", which charted at number five.Their debut album Uncle B was released on 17 November 2008 and debuted at number eleven on the UK Albums

Waktu Yang Tepat Untuk Cek Kolesterol

Gejala kolesterol tonggi memang terkadang tidak diketahui, dan cenderung terlambat untuk ditangani. Karena penyakit tersebut tidak memiliki gejala khusus, dan para penderitanya seringkali baru mengetahuinya kala mereka telah mengalami komplikasi.Lantas kapan waktu terbaik seseorang untuk memeriksakan kadar kolesterolnya?Kolesterol tinggi adalah kondisi serius yang tidak boleh diabaikan dan hanya

Jadwal Perempat Final Liga Champions 2011

Quarter-final draw (5/6 and 12/13 April)Real Madrid CF v Tottenham Hotspur FCChelsea FC v Manchester United FCFC Barcelona v FC Shakhtar DonetskFC Internazionale Milano v FC Schalke 04Semi-final draw (26/27 April and 3/4 May)1 FC Internazionale Milano/FC Schalke 04 v Chelsea FC/Manchester United FC2 Real Madrid CF/Tottenham Hotspur FC v FC Barcelona/FC Shakhtar DonetskFinal (28 May, Wembley)

Daftar Orang Terkaya Dunia 2011

Orang Terkaya Didunia 2011 1. Carlos Slim Helu (Meksiko/telecom) : US$ 74 miliar2. Bill Gates (AS/Microsoft) : US$ 56 miliar3. Warren Buffet (AS/Berkshire Hathaway) : US$ 50 miliar4. Bernard Arnault (Prancis/LVMH) : US$ 41 miliar5. Larry Ellison (AS/Oracle) : US$ 39,5 miliar6. Lakshmi Mittal (India/Baja) : US$ 31,1 miliar7. Amancio Ortea (Spanyol/Zara) : US$ 31 miliar8. Eike Batista (Brasil/

Daftar Orang Terkaya Indonesia 2011

Urutan orang terkaya Indonesia 2011 :01. 208. R Budi Hartono (rokok, bank) : US$ 5 miliar02 .208. Michael Hartono (rokok, bank) : US$ 5 miliar03• 304. Low Tuck Kwong (batubara) : US$ 3,6 miliar04• 420. Martua Sitorus (CPO) : US$ 2,7 miliar05• 488. Peter Sondakh (investasi) : US$ 2,4 miliar06• 564. Sri Prakash Lohia (polyester) : US$ 2,1 miliar07• 595. Kiki Barki (batubara) : US$ 2 miliar08• 651:

Daftar Pejabat Korup Indonesia yg telah dijatuhi Hukuman

Memuat daftar nama pejabat yang telah terbukti melakukan tindak pidana korupsi dan telah dijatuhi hukuman oleh pengadilan yang mempunyai kekuatan hukum tetap (inkracht). Daftar ini diperlukan, agar masyarakat mengetahui siapa saja pejabat yang telah divonis pengadilan, dengan tujuan memberikan sanksi sosial kepada mereka sebagai efek jera.Lalu Sudirham, AMATanggal putusan : Kamis, 28 Agustus

Pakistan Cricket Team Pictures in World Cup 2011 (pack 2)

Younis KhanMisbah-ul-HaqMohammad HafeezSaeed AjmalShoaib AkhtarUmar GulUmar Akmal

Pakistan Cricket Team Pictures in World Cup 2011 (pack 2)

Younis KhanMisbah-ul-HaqMohammad HafeezSaeed AjmalShoaib AkhtarUmar GulUmar Akmal

Pakistan Cricket Team Pictures in ICC World Cup 2011 (pack 1) kit.

Pakistan team Squad list:[Capt] Shahid Khan Afridi, [VC] Misbah-ul-Haq, Abdual Razaq, Shoaib Akther, Umer Gull,Yunus Khan, [WK]Kamran Akmal, Umer Akmal, Abdur Rehman, Ahmed Shahzad, Muhammad Hafeez, Wahab Riaz, Asad Shafiq, Junaid Khan, Saeed Ajmal.Pakistan Cricket Team in ICC World Cup 2011Abdul RazzaqAbdur RehmanAhmed ShehzadAsad ShafiqKamran Akmal (wk)Shahid Afridi(cap)

Pakistan Cricket Team Pictures in ICC World Cup 2011 (pack 1) kit.

Pakistan team Squad list:[Capt] Shahid Khan Afridi, [VC] Misbah-ul-Haq, Abdual Razaq, Shoaib Akther, Umer Gull,Yunus Khan, [WK]Kamran Akmal, Umer Akmal, Abdur Rehman, Ahmed Shahzad, Muhammad Hafeez, Wahab Riaz, Asad Shafiq, Junaid Khan, Saeed Ajmal.Pakistan Cricket Team in ICC World Cup 2011Abdul RazzaqAbdur RehmanAhmed ShehzadAsad ShafiqKamran Akmal (wk)Shahid Afridi(cap)

Harga Motor Yamaha March 2011 (Baru-Bekas)

DAFTAR HARGA MOTOR YAMAHA BARUTypeOTR Price (IDR)Diff Price (IDR) Byson 20.000.000 100.000 Jupiter MX 15.175.000 75.000 Jupiter MX CW 15.550.000 75.000 Jupiter MX CW AT 15.800.000 100.000 Jupiter Z 13.800.000 50.000 Jupiter ZX CW 14.650.000 50.000 Jupiter ZX SE 15.250.000 50.000 Mio 11.750.000 50.000 Mio CW 12.550.000 50.000 Mio CW SE 13.750.000 50.000 Mio Soul 13.550.000 50.000 Scorpio Z CW

Harga Motor Suzuki March 2011 (Baru-Bekas)

DAFTAR HARGA MOTOR SUZUKI BARUTypeOTR Price (IDR)Diff Price (IDR) New Satria FU 150 18.450.000 0 New Shogun 125 13.400.000 0 New Shogun 125 NR 14.900.000 0 New Shogun 125 NR Inj 16.175.000 0 New Shogun 125 RR 14.500.000 0 New Shogun 125 SP 14.700.000 0 New Smash CW 12.550.000 0 New Smash CW NR 12.850.000 0 New Smash DB 11.950.000 0 Sky Wave CW 14.100.000 0 Sky Wave NR 14.300.000 0 Sky Wave NR SR

Harga Motor Kawasaki March 2011 (Baru-Bekas)

DAFTAR HARGA MOTOR KAWASAKI BARUTypeOTR Price (IDR)Diff Price (IDR) Athelete 115cc 15.100.000 0 D-Tracker 150cc 23.900.000 0 D-Tracker 250cc 58.900.000 0 Edge R 12.900.000 0 Edge VR 13.800.000 0 Ninja 150 L 24.750.000 0 Ninja 150 M 22.000.000 0 Ninja 150 N 24.550.000 0 Ninja 150 RR 32.200.000 0 Ninja 250 R 46.500.000 0 Trail KLX 150 S 21.700.000 0 Trail KLX 250 S 56.900.000 0 Zone R 12.300.000 0

Harga Motor Kanzen March 2011 (Baru)


Harga Motor Honda March 2011 (Baru-Bekas)

DAFTAR HARGA MOTOR HONDA BARUTypeOTR Price (IDR)Diff Price (IDR) Beat CW 12.500.000 0 Beat SW 12.000.000 0 Blade 13.850.000 0 Blade Repsol 14.000.000 0 New CS One 17.200.000 0 New Mega Pro CW 19.500.000 0 New Mega Pro Std 18.300.000 0 New Tiger CW 24.900.000 0 PCX 32.050.000 0 Revo CW ABS 13.200.000 0 Revo DX ABS 13.800.000 0 Revo Matic 15.800.000 0 Revo Std ABS 11.850.000 0 Scoopy 13.550.000 0

Harga Motor Bajaj March 2011 (Baru)


Harga Mobil KIA March 2011 (Baru-Bekas)

DAFTAR HARGA MOBIL KIA BARUCar TypePrice (Rp jt)Diff (Rp jt)KIA Big Up 2.7 M/T 133.5 1.0 KIA New Picanto SE A/T Option 136.5 0.0 KIA New Picanto SE A/T Option 1 142.0 0.0 KIA New Picanto SE A/T Option 2 145.5 0.0 KIA New Picanto SE A/T Standar 134.0 0.0 KIA New Picanto SE M/T Option 1 118.5 0.0 KIA New Picanto SE M/T Option 2 125.5 0.0 KIA New Picanto Standard A/T 121.5 0.0 KIA New Picanto

Harga Mobil Hyundai March 2011 (Baru-Bekas)

DAFTAR HARGA MOBIL HYUNDAI BARUCar TypePrice (Rp jt)Diff (Rp jt)Hyundai Avega Facelift G M/T 129.2 0.0 Hyundai Avega Facelift GL A/T 142.4 0.8 Hyundai Avega Facelift GL M/T 130.3 1.0 Hyundai Avega Facelift GX A/T 132.8 1.0 Hyundai Avega Facelift GX M/T 120.8 1.2 Hyundai Avega Facelift SG A/T 148.6 0.0 Hyundai Avega Facelift SG M/T 136.3 0.0 Hyundai Avega SG A/T 147.9 0.0 Hyundai Avega Wave M/T

Harga Mobil Chevrolet March 2011 (Baru-Bekas)

DAFTAR HARGA CHEVROLET BARUCar TypePrice (Rp jt)Diff (Rp jt)Chevrolet All New Spark LS 1.0 M/T 107.0 0.0 Chevrolet All New Spark LT 1.0 M/T 118.0 0.0 Chevrolet Aveo A/T 171.5 0.0 Chevrolet Aveo M/T 156.5 0.0 Chevrolet Aveo Prime A/T 184.5 0.0 Chevrolet Aveo Prime M/T 168.5 0.0 Chevrolet Blazer LT 2.2 M/T 245.0 0.0 Chevrolet Captiva 2.0 VCDi Diesel A/T AWD 391.0 0.0 Chevrolet Captiva 2.0 VCDi

Harga Mobil Honda March 2011 (Baru-Bekas)

DAFTAR HARGA MOBIL HONDA BARUCar TypePrice (Rp jt)Diff (Rp jt)Honda Accord VTi 2.4 A/T 441.0 0.0 Honda Accord VTi 2.4 A/T SE 452.0 0.0 Honda Accord VTi 2.4 M/T 426.0 0.0 Honda Accord VTi 2.4 M/T SE 436.0 0.0 Honda Accord VTi-L 2.4 A/T 479.0 0.0 Honda Accord VTi-L 3.5 A/T 708.0 0.0 Honda City All New City S E A/T 285.0 1.5 Honda City All New City S E M/T 270.0 1.5 Honda City All New City S M/T

Harga Mobil Nissan March 2011 (Baru-Bekas)

DAFTAR HARGA MOBIL NISSAN BARUCar TypePrice (Rp jt)Diff (Rp jt)Nissan Frontier Navara 2.5 L DC A/T 365.5 15.0 Nissan Frontier Navara 2.5 L DC M/T 353.5 15.0 Nissan Grand Livina 1.5 M/T 168.5 3.0 Nissan Grand Livina 1.5 Ultimate A/T 203.5 4.0 Nissan Grand Livina 1.5 XV A/T 191.5 3.0 Nissan Grand Livina 1.5 XV M/T 183.5 3.0 Nissan Grand Livina 1.8 HWS A/T 232.5 5.0 Nissan Grand Livina 1.8 HWS M/T

Harga Mobil Isuzu March 2011 (Baru-Bekas)

DAFTAR HARGA MOBIL ISUZU BARU Car TypePrice (Rp jt)Diff (Rp jt)Isuzu E2 D-Max Double Cab 3.0 M/T 300.5 0.0 Isuzu E2 D-Max Rodeo LS 3.0 A/T 340.0 0.0 Isuzu E2 D-Max Rodeo LS 3.0 M/T 328.5 0.0 Isuzu E2 D-Max Single Cab 3.0 M/T 260.3 0.0 Isuzu E2 LV FF 207.3 0.0 Isuzu E2 Pick Up Turbo Flat Deck 121.5 0.0 Isuzu E2 Pick Up Turbo GD 3 Way 125.5 0.0 Isuzu E2 Pick Up Turbo LC 120.5 0.0 Isuzu Elf NHR 55

Harga Mobil Toyota March 2011 (Baru-Bekas)

DAFTAR HARGA MOBIL TOYOTA BARUCar TypePrice (Rp jt)Diff (Rp jt)Toyota Alphard 2.4 G A/T 833.3 0.0 Toyota Alphard 2.4 X A/T 688.1 0.0 Toyota Alphard 3.5 V A/T 1034.0 0.0 Toyota Avanza 1.3 E A/T 146.1 0.0 Toyota Avanza 1.3 E M/T 136.1 0.0 Toyota Avanza 1.3 E M/T Dress Up 141.1 0.0 Toyota Avanza 1.3 G A/T 161.6 0.0 Toyota Avanza 1.3 G M/T 151.6 0.0 Toyota Avanza 1.3 G M/T B 149.1 0.0 Toyota Avanza

Harga Mobil Daihatsu March 2011 (Baru-Bekas)

DAFTAR HARGA MOBIL DAIHATSU BARUCar TypePrice (Rp jt)Diff (Rp jt)Daihatsu Gran Max BV 1.3 94.0 0.0 Daihatsu Gran Max BV 1.3 AC 98.0 0.0 Daihatsu Gran Max MB 1.3 D 117.0 0.0 Daihatsu Gran Max MB 1.3 D FF 123.4 0.0 Daihatsu Gran Max MB 1.3 D FF STD 116.3 0.0 Daihatsu Gran Max MB 1.3 D Optima 115.0 0.0 Daihatsu Gran Max MB 1.3 D STD 113.2 0.0 Daihatsu Gran Max MB 1.3 F 105.0 0.0 Daihatsu Gran Max MB

Harga Mobil Suzuki March 2011 (Baru-Bekas)

 DAFTAR HARGA MOBIL SUZUKI BARUDAFTAR HARGA MOBIL SUZUKI BEKASCar TypeYearPrice (Rp jt)Diff (Rp jt)Suzuki Aerio A/T 2003 90.0 0.0 Suzuki Aerio A/T 2004 95.0 0.0 Suzuki Aerio Facelift A/T 2004 105.0 0.0 Suzuki Aerio Facelift A/T 2005 100.0 0.0 Suzuki Aerio Facelift A/T 2006 110.0 0.0 Suzuki Aerio Facelift A/T 2007 120.0 0.0 Suzuki Aerio Facelift M/T 2004 100.0 0.0 Suzuki Aerio Facelift M/T 2005

600.000 Perokok Pasif Terbunuh Tiap Tahun

Geneva, Sangat ironis nasib perokok pasif yang juga ikut menghirup dan merasakan efek negatif dari asap rokok si perokok aktif. WHO menyatakan ada sekitar 600.000 perokok pasif yang meninggal setiap tahunnya.Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menyatakan bahwa perokok pasif turut menyumbang 1 persen jumlah kematian global di seluruh dunia. Jumlah ini berarti ada sekitar 600.000 perokok pasif yang

Perjalanan Nikotin dari Paru-paru ke Otak Hanya 7 Detik

Jakarta, Nikotin merupakan salah satu zat yang dilepaskan ketika seseorang merokok. Ternyata waktu yang dibutuhkan oleh nikotin untuk berjalan dari paru-paru ke otak hanya selama 7 detik saja.Salah satu obat yang paling banyak disalahgunakan penggunaannya adalah nikotin, yaitu bisa berasal dari merokok atau mengunyah tembakau. Selain itu nikotin juga termasuk salah satu zat yang paling adiktif

Sebatang Rokok Cukup untuk Memicu Serangan Jantung

New York, Perokok berat maupun yang hanya sesekali merokok sama-sama dalam bahaya. Penelitian membuktikan dampak negatif rokok bisa muncul lebih cepat dari yang diduga, sehingga sebatang rokok saja sudah cukup untuk memicu serangan jantung.Asap rokok tidak butuh waktu terlalu lama untuk masuk ke aliran darah seseorang. Begitu mencapai darah, racun-racun dalam asap rokok langsung mengalami

Merokok Bukan Hak Asasi Manusia

Jakarta, Selama ini setiap ada larangan merokok, maka para perokok selalu berdalih bahwa merokok adalah hak asasi manusianya. Padahal merokok bukanlah hak asasi tapi hanya kebutuhan seseorang saja."Hak asasi manusia adalah sesuatu yang jika tidak terpenuhi bisa mengancam jiwa, tapi kalau merokok jika tidak terpenuhi tidak akan mengancam jiwanya. Jadi merokok bukanlah hak asasi," ujar dr Hakim

Rokok Merusak Tubuh Dalam Hitungan Menit

Minnesota, Selama ini masyarakat mengira rokok merusak tubuh dalam jangka waktu panjang. Tapi peneliti mengungkapkan bahwa kerusakan genetik akibat rokok terjadi dalam hitungan menit setelah seseorang menghisap rokok.Para ilmuwan menemukan bahwa bahan kimia penyebab kanker dalam tembakau terbentuk dengan cepat setelah seseorang menghisap rokok pertamanya. Hal ini menjadi gambaran peringatan

Alasan-alasan Orang Tak Mau Berhenti Merokok

Jakarta, Hampir sebagian besar orang tahu bahwa merokok bisa membahayakan kesehatan dirinya sendiri dan juga orang lain, tapi tak sedikit orang yang tetap membandel. Ini dia alasan-alasan orang tetap bandel merokok."Dari hulu sampai hilir rokok semuanya mengandung racun, dan dalam jangka panjang penyakit-penyakit yang diakibatkannya ini bisa sangat menghabiskan uang," ujar Dr Sally Aman Nasution

Mengatur Napas Saat Olahraga Itu Sangat Penting

Jakarta, Mengatur pola pernapasan adalah salah satu hal yang penting saat seseorang sedang berolahraga. Karena jika ia menahan napas atau justru bernapas terlalu cepat bisa menimbulkan efek samping.Pernapasan saat berolahraga tidak hanya membuat seseorang bisa mempertahankan latihan untuk jangka waktu lama, tapi juga membuat seseorang tetap aman selama berolahraga. Selain itu pernapasan juga bisa

Kiwi si Cantik Asam yang Sarat Khasiat

Jakarta - Buah yang kulitnya cokelat berbulu halus ini memiliki daging buah yang hijau cantik. Rasa asamnya yang dominan karena kaya akan vitamin C. Ternyata ada berbagai khasiat dahsyat kiwi yang lain buat kesehatan!Jika Anda termasuk salah seorang yang suka dengan buah dengan rasa yang asam, buah kiwi pasti bisa langsung jadi favorit. Buah asal New Zealand ini ternyata tidak hanya

Makanan 'Berbahaya' Untuk 20 Jenis Penyakit

Jakarta - Untuk bertahan hidup, manusia memerlukan makanan dan minuman. Namun kedua hal itu bisa menjadi musuh jika seseorang menderita penyakit. Menghindari makanan yang dipantangkan adalah cara terbaik yang dapat dilakukan penderita berbagai macam penyakit, seperti yang dikutip dari detikhealth.Menjauh dari makanan yang dipantangkan adalah langkah pencegahan

Ponsel Lokal Tembus Pasar Timur Tengah

IMO JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Indonesia kini memiliki produsen ponsel yang bisa berkiprah di bisnis seluler dunia. PT Konten Indomedia Pratama selaku pemegang merek ponsel IMO mulai memasarkan produknya ke Timur Tengah.Ini adalah brand ponsel pertama asal Indonesia yang berhasil menembus pasar dunia. Salah satu pasar yang disasar adalah Arab Saudi.Presiden Direktur IMO Sarwo Wargono mengatakan, untuk

ARTAV Internet Security 2.5 Antivirus Buatan Anak Negeri

Satu lagi karya anak negeri yang patut dianjungi jempul atas prestasi di bidang IT. ARTAV antivirus merupakan antivirus asli buatan indonesia yang lahir dari tangan seorang anak pelajar  kelas 2 SMPN 48 bandung bernama Arrival Dwi Sentosa. Anak ini tergolong memiliki potensi yang luar biasa dibidang IT dengan usia yang sangat muda dia mampu menciptakan antivirus dan semoga ini menjadi inspirasi

Yuk Kita Intip Isi Ka'bah

Tidak semua orang tahu apa sebenarnya yang ada di dalam ka’bah, sebab hanya orang-orang penting seperti presiden sebuah negara yang berhak untuk memasukinya. Itu pun karena menjadi tamu raja di negara itu. Mantan Presiden Soeharto dan rombongan konon malah pernah diberi kehormatan untuk masuk ke dalamnya.Kalau tidak salah, gambar ini diambil pada salah satu momentum di mana ada tamu negara yang

25 Album Indonesia Terlaris Sepanjang Masa

Menentukan 25 album terlaris sepanjang sejarah dunia musik Indonesia bukanlah hal gampang. Jujur saja, tak ada data yang valid tentang berapa jumlah angka penjualan sebuah album yang laku terjual.Lalu bagaimana mendapatkan 25 album terlaris ini? Pertama, kami menanyakan ke beberapa perusahaan rekaman, album apa saja yang angka penjualannya tinggi. Soal angka penjualan ini, kami tanyakan juga ke

10 Lapangan Minyak Paling Menarik di Masa Depan !

Minyak bumi sebagai bahan bakar masa kini.Pemanfaatan minyak bumi meningkat tajam sejak tahun 1950-an (pasca PD II) karena juga didukung oleh penemuan mesin bakar yang akhirnya locking (terkunci) antara mesin motor bakar dengan bahan bakarnya. Penguncian mesin dengan bahan bakar inilah yang menyebabkan kebutuhan batubara merosot tajam dalam penggunaannya dan tergantikan oleh minyak bumi. Jadi

24 Rekor Dunia Indonesia yg tidak dimiliki negara manapun!!

Disamping beberapa kekurangan yang sering melekat di tanah air kita Indonesia, namun ada puluhan rekor dunia yang patut kita banggakan sebagai warga negara Indonesia karena sampai saat ini blom ada yang mampu memecahkan rekor tersebut dari Indonesia.Berikut daftar 24 rekor dunia yang dimiliki Indonesia.Republik Indonesia merupakan Negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia yang terdiri dari 17.504 pulau

World Earth Hour

Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. Earth Hour was conceived by WWF and The Sydney

World Earth Hour

Earth Hour is a global event organized by WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as World Wildlife Fund) and is held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change. Earth Hour was conceived by WWF and The Sydney

william gallas arsenal

William Eric Gallas (French pronunciation: [wiljam ɡalas]; born 17 August 1977) is a French footballer who plays for English Premier League club Tottenham Hotspur.Gallas began his career in France, before being signed by English club Chelsea in 2001. He transferred to rivals Arsenal as part of an exchange deal in 2006. While his career has been marked by both individual and team successes –

william gallas arsenal

William Eric Gallas (French pronunciation: [wiljam ɡalas]; born 17 August 1977) is a French footballer who plays for English Premier League club Tottenham Hotspur.Gallas began his career in France, before being signed by English club Chelsea in 2001. He transferred to rivals Arsenal as part of an exchange deal in 2006. While his career has been marked by both individual and team successes –

nokia n86 camera

The Nokia N86 8MP is Nokia's latest N-series cameraphone, featuring an 8 megapixel camera with a Carl Zeiss wide angle lens and a twin LED flash. The N86 8MP also features 8GB of built-in storage, WiFi, a GPS receiver, and a vibrant AMOLED(INFO) display. Read on to find out what we think of Nokia's latest cameraphone king.nokia n86 cameranokia n86 cameranokia n86 cameranokia n86 cameranokia n86

nokia n86 camera

The Nokia N86 8MP is Nokia's latest N-series cameraphone, featuring an 8 megapixel camera with a Carl Zeiss wide angle lens and a twin LED flash. The N86 8MP also features 8GB of built-in storage, WiFi, a GPS receiver, and a vibrant AMOLED(INFO) display. Read on to find out what we think of Nokia's latest cameraphone king.nokia n86 cameranokia n86 cameranokia n86 cameranokia n86 cameranokia n86

Sirilanka vs England, 4th Quarter-Final, Colombo

SL made short work of England's 229, with both the openers belting centuries to take them home in the 40th over. The 10 wicket win means they will meet NZ on Tuesday.Sirilanka vs England, 4th Quarter-Final, ColomboSirilanka vs England, 4th Quarter-Final, ColomboSirilanka vs England, 4th Quarter-Final, ColomboSirilanka vs England, 4th Quarter-Final, ColomboSirilanka vs England, 4th Quarter-Final,

Sirilanka vs England, 4th Quarter-Final, Colombo

SL made short work of England's 229, with both the openers belting centuries to take them home in the 40th over. The 10 wicket win means they will meet NZ on Tuesday.Sirilanka vs England, 4th Quarter-Final, ColomboSirilanka vs England, 4th Quarter-Final, ColomboSirilanka vs England, 4th Quarter-Final, ColomboSirilanka vs England, 4th Quarter-Final, ColomboSirilanka vs England, 4th Quarter-Final,

Drop Hammer for Piling

Drop Hammer 3.ton capacityDrop Hammer 5.ton capacity

Table Tebal Test Blind Flange

Standard Dimension of Jack Screw

Indian PM invites Gilani, Zardari for World Cup semi-final

India on Friday renewed its cricket diplomacy engagements with Pakistan after a six-year gap, inviting Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani to watch the high-voltage semi-final clash between the two countries at Mohali on March 30.Indian PM invites Gilani, Zardari for World Cup semi-finalIndian PM invites Gilani, Zardari for World Cup semi-finalIndian PM

Indian PM invites Gilani, Zardari for World Cup semi-final

India on Friday renewed its cricket diplomacy engagements with Pakistan after a six-year gap, inviting Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani to watch the high-voltage semi-final clash between the two countries at Mohali on March 30.Indian PM invites Gilani, Zardari for World Cup semi-finalIndian PM invites Gilani, Zardari for World Cup semi-finalIndian PM

Dream Match Pakistan Vs India Semi Final ICC World cup 2001

Pakistan are set to meet India, on Wednesday, March 30, in a much-awaited semi-final game of ICC World Cup 2011. India are overwhelming favourites to win the match. Pakistan were in disarray in the months leading up to the world cup; the spot-fixing scam that broke out during the team’s England tour demoralised them even as they were looking to re-build their squad. Crucially, they lost three

Dream Match Pakistan Vs India Semi Final ICC World cup 2001

Pakistan are set to meet India, on Wednesday, March 30, in a much-awaited semi-final game of ICC World Cup 2011. India are overwhelming favourites to win the match. Pakistan were in disarray in the months leading up to the world cup; the spot-fixing scam that broke out during the team’s England tour demoralised them even as they were looking to re-build their squad. Crucially, they lost three

Indonesia masih andalkan produksi minyak dari 5 KKKS

Indonesia masih mengandalkan lima kontraktor kontrak kerjasama (KKKS) sebagai penghasil minyak mentah terbanyak.   Kelima KKS itu adalah Chevron,  Pertamina EP,  Total,  Conocophilips dan CNOOC.   "Status  produksi minyak sebesar 917 ribu barel per hari," ujar Kepala Divisi Humas,  Sekuriti,  dan Formalitas Badan Pelaksana Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BP Migas),  Gde Pradnyana.     Meski kelima KKKS

Pembangunan pipa Kalija I dipercepat

Pemerintah mendesak percepatan pembangunan ruas pipa transmisi gas Kalimantan-Jawa (Kalija),  setelah PT PLN (Persero) mengeluhkan lambatnya pembangunan pipa tersebut.     Pembangunan ruas pipa transmisi gas Kalija yang menghubungkan Bontang (Kalimantan Timur)-Semarang (Jawa Tengah) tersebut dikerjakan PT Bakrie and Brothers Tbk,  setelah perusahaan itu berhasil memenangi lelang hak khusus

Pertamina EP Region Jawa tingkatkan produksi migas dari pemboran 4 sumur eksploitasi

Pertamina EP Region Jawa berhasil melakukan kegiatan pemboran 4 sumur eksploitasi di lapangan eksisting.   Pemboran yang selesai dilaksanakan pada Triwulan-I 2011 tersebut memberikan kontribusi peningkatan produksi yang sangat signifikan.   Hasil uji produksi keempat sumur tersebut mencapai 2.686 barel per hari atau 313 persen daripada target yang ditetapkan BPMIGAS.      PJ Direktur Operasi PT

Perpanjangan Blok Mahakam baru bisa diputuskan pada 2015

 Pemerintah akan memutuskan perpanjangan kontrak kerjasama blok Mahakam di Kalimantan Timur paling lambat pada 2015.  Kontrak blok yang dikelola oleh Total EP Indonesie itu baru akan berakhir pada 2017.      Lembaga kajian migas dan tambang,  ReforMiner Institute meminta pemerintah memberikan hak pengelolaan secara otomatis pada blok yang akan habis masa konsesinya seperti Mahakam kepada

Pembangunan lapangan Tunu 11, 12, 13A dan Peciko 6

 (Kalimantan Timur) Dalam kunjungan kerja ke Balikpapan,  Kalimantantan Timur, 25-26 Maret 2011,  Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Darwin Zahedy Saleh direncanakan akan meresmikan Pembangunan Lapangan Gas dan Kondesat Tunu Tahap 11,  12,  13 A dan Peciko Tahap 6 serta pembangunan fasilitas akomodasi Lapangan South Processing Unit (SPU) Tunu yang dikelola Total E&P Indonesie Mahakam.    

Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final

The team India finally makes their place in the quarterfinal after beating West Indies in the last match. The team India had to learn very quickly their batsmen were failed to score run in the last ten over. The team India is not able to utilize a good start into big runs in all their matches in the group stage. The Little Master Tendulkar once again will be the difference between the two team,

Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final

The team India finally makes their place in the quarterfinal after beating West Indies in the last match. The team India had to learn very quickly their batsmen were failed to score run in the last ten over. The team India is not able to utilize a good start into big runs in all their matches in the group stage. The Little Master Tendulkar once again will be the difference between the two team,

Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final (crowd)

Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final (crowd)Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final (crowd)Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final (crowd)Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final (crowd)Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final (crowd)Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final (crowd)Australia v

Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final (crowd)

Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final (crowd)Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final (crowd)Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final (crowd)Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final (crowd)Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final (crowd)Australia v India - 2011 ICC World Cup 2nd Quarter-Final (crowd)Australia v

Justin Bieber wallpapers

Justin Drew Bieber (pronounced /ˈbiːbər/ BEE-bər, born March 1, 1994) is a Canadian pop/R&B singer-songwriter and actor. Bieber was discovered in 2008 by Scooter Braun, who happened to come across Bieber's videos on YouTube and later became his manager. Braun arranged for him to meet with Usher in Atlanta, Georgia, and Bieber was soon signed to Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG), a joint venture

Justin Bieber wallpapers

Justin Drew Bieber (pronounced /ˈbiːbər/ BEE-bər, born March 1, 1994) is a Canadian pop/R&B singer-songwriter and actor. Bieber was discovered in 2008 by Scooter Braun, who happened to come across Bieber's videos on YouTube and later became his manager. Braun arranged for him to meet with Usher in Atlanta, Georgia, and Bieber was soon signed to Raymond Braun Media Group (RBMG), a joint venture

Mulailah Minum Susu Kedelai Sekarang Juga

Liputan6.com, Jakarta: Sudahkah Anda minum susu kedelai hari ini? Kata-kata ini bukan sedang bermaksud untuk memplesetkan sebuah iklan produk susu instan terkenal, tapi memang sedang mengajak Anda kembali ke produk alami yang amat bermanfaat. Anda pasti tidak asing lagi dengan produk susu kedelai bukan? Susu kedelai pantas untuk Anda konsumsi terutama bersama dengan keluarga dan anak-anak Anda.

cool anime guys wallpapers

Type of guys who don't talk much, but talking with actions. They are men of action. They are heroes. Although they're not showing much affection to their peer, deep inside they care about people around them. And their friends know that they can depend on people like him. They know when in trouble who is the person they will fall into.. For instance, Genjyo Sanzo, eventhough he's a jerk his peer

cool anime guys wallpapers

Type of guys who don't talk much, but talking with actions. They are men of action. They are heroes. Although they're not showing much affection to their peer, deep inside they care about people around them. And their friends know that they can depend on people like him. They know when in trouble who is the person they will fall into.. For instance, Genjyo Sanzo, eventhough he's a jerk his peer

cool anime girl wallpapers

I’m in the mood for anime this morning and just adore the cuteness of these super artworks that I’ve managed to source out by some truly awesome artists. Thanks to all the amazing artists that are featured in this post. Click on the images to see more of the artists work. Beware some of them may be a bit risky for some people! Enjoy.cool anime girl wallpaperscool anime girl wallpaperscool anime

cool anime girl wallpapers

I’m in the mood for anime this morning and just adore the cuteness of these super artworks that I’ve managed to source out by some truly awesome artists. Thanks to all the amazing artists that are featured in this post. Click on the images to see more of the artists work. Beware some of them may be a bit risky for some people! Enjoy.cool anime girl wallpaperscool anime girl wallpaperscool anime

Pakistan a peaceful country

In February 2006, Pakistan Army’s spokesman Maj Gen Shaukat Sultan stated, “I believe that that RAW is definitely involved in terrorist activities in Balochistan”. While, reiterating his claim about the alleged involvement of RAW, Balochistan Chief Minister, Jam Yousaf said, “None of the Sardars has the amount of money that could actually enable him to maintain and sustain an army of 10,000 men

Pakistan a peaceful country

In February 2006, Pakistan Army’s spokesman Maj Gen Shaukat Sultan stated, “I believe that that RAW is definitely involved in terrorist activities in Balochistan”. While, reiterating his claim about the alleged involvement of RAW, Balochistan Chief Minister, Jam Yousaf said, “None of the Sardars has the amount of money that could actually enable him to maintain and sustain an army of 10,000 men

Electric distribution pole location 1 m inside road from pavement/ pedestrian at Ahmad Yani road – Handil 2

Not safety, but who is responsible for this matter ? no communication during installation of electric distribution pole or no thinking about future or mistake during design of roadway. PLN (government electrical department) or Dinas PU (general work official department) must responsible or District Government ? This case is appear when PU start to separate of Ahmad Yani road to be 2 way for

The liger wallpapers

The ligre is the bigest cat in the world.They weigh 500kg. and measured 4 meters.Is a fierce animal and very strong.The scientific name is "Panthera leo x tigris".Now,this exotics animals live in Bosque de Gir,in India and Persia,China.I love this animal because is exotic,but i love the tigers and the lions too.I want to have a tiger in my house,but my parentd don`t want it.The liger

The liger wallpapers

The ligre is the bigest cat in the world.They weigh 500kg. and measured 4 meters.Is a fierce animal and very strong.The scientific name is "Panthera leo x tigris".Now,this exotics animals live in Bosque de Gir,in India and Persia,China.I love this animal because is exotic,but i love the tigers and the lions too.I want to have a tiger in my house,but my parentd don`t want it.The liger

apple logo

Apple Inc. has revolutionized personal computing since its founding in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak. For more than 30 years, Apple Computer has introduced groundbreaking products and accessories that truly defy the technological barriers. It has now become one of the world’s most famous computer brands and has introduced innovative products such as iPods, Macintosh,

apple logo

Apple Inc. has revolutionized personal computing since its founding in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniak. For more than 30 years, Apple Computer has introduced groundbreaking products and accessories that truly defy the technological barriers. It has now become one of the world’s most famous computer brands and has introduced innovative products such as iPods, Macintosh,

Super Semi Final Pakistan vs India in Icc World Cup 2011

Pakistan captain Shahid Afridi on Wednesday said that his team were unnerved by the prospect of playing India, whom they have never beaten in the World Cup, in the semi final in Mohali."If we happen to clash with India, we won't lack crowd support because (Pakistani) people will come from across the border to watch the match in Mohali," Afridi told MiD DAY.Super Semi Final Pakistan vs India in

Super Semi Final Pakistan vs India in Icc World Cup 2011

Pakistan captain Shahid Afridi on Wednesday said that his team were unnerved by the prospect of playing India, whom they have never beaten in the World Cup, in the semi final in Mohali."If we happen to clash with India, we won't lack crowd support because (Pakistani) people will come from across the border to watch the match in Mohali," Afridi told MiD DAY.Super Semi Final Pakistan vs India in

Spesifikasi Mobil GEA | Mobnas Produksi INKA Harga di Bawah 50 Juta

Cuma punya uang Rp 50 jutaan ingin beli mobil gres? Tunggu saja GEA resmi dilempar ke pasaran. GEA adalah mobil nasional prosuksi PT INKA. Rencananya, mobil tersebut akan dilaunching di Jakarta akhir Oktober 2010. Kabarnya, banyak yang berminat membeli GEA. Sayang, saat ini cuma bisa dibeli di koperasi.Dalam dua hari, mobil yang dipamerkan di acara Pameran dan Seminar Produk Alat Transportasi di

Mobil Murah dan Irit Buatan Indonesia

Setelah memproduksi mobil Kancil yang kurang sukses karena jaringan pemasaran kurang baik, kali ini PT INKA akan membuat mobil nasional GEA seharga Rp 40-50 juta. Saya lihat perusahaan yang jadi pemasarnya di internet cuma mencantumkan alamat kantor. Tidak ada website, nomor telpon atau pun fax yang bisa dihubungi.Mobil 650 cc ini bisa dilengkapi AC, kecepatan 85 km/jam, dan super irit karena 1

Tips Menarik Komentar di Blog

Tips Menarik Lebih Banyak Komentar di Blog Anda1. Dorong Pembaca Blog Anda Untuk BerkomentarMintalah, dan Anda akan mendapatkan. Hukum ini juga berlaku di dunia blogging. Jika Anda ingin pembaca blog Anda memberikan komentar di blog Anda, jangan ragu-ragu untuk memintanya. Dorong pembaca blog Anda untuk berbagi komentar tentang topik tertentu yang Anda tulis di blog Anda. Jika Anda melakukannya

Mendapat Uang dari Nge-Blog

Cara Mendulang Uang Dengan Blog Berbahasa Indonesia yang barangkali bisa Anda pertimbangkan.1. Menampilkan Iklan PPC (Pay-Per-Click) DomestikSaat ini setidaknya sudah ada 5 pelaku bisnis PPC domestik di Indonesia, yaitu KlikSaya.com, KumpulBlogger, PPCIndo, IndoFad dan AdOnBanner. Dengan menjadi publisher program-program PPC domestik, Anda bisa menampilkan iklan berbahasa Indonesia dan

Posisi 10 Bank Terbesar RI Tak Tergoyahkan

Jakarta - Sebanyak 10 bank masih menguasai aset industri perbankan nasional di  Januari 2011. Bank-bank terbesar tersebut jumlah asetnya mencapai Rp 1.923,1 triliun  atau 64,3% dari total aset perbankan.Demikian data statistik perbankan yang dikutip detikFinance dari Bank  Indonesia (BI) Kamis (24/3/2011).Posisi bank yang menempati 10 besar ini tak banyak perubahan sejak 2009.Berikut daftar 10

Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

The Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor is a single-seat, twin-engine fifth-generation supermaneuverable fighter aircraft that uses stealth technology. It was designed primarily as an air superiority fighter, but has additional capabilities that include ground attack, electronic warfare, and signals intelligence roles. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics is the prime contractor and is responsible for the

Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

The Lockheed Martin/Boeing F-22 Raptor is a single-seat, twin-engine fifth-generation supermaneuverable fighter aircraft that uses stealth technology. It was designed primarily as an air superiority fighter, but has additional capabilities that include ground attack, electronic warfare, and signals intelligence roles. Lockheed Martin Aeronautics is the prime contractor and is responsible for the

f-22 raptor cockpit

The F-22's cockpit is one of the very first "all-glass" cockpits for tactical fighters - there are no traditional round dial, standby or dedicated gauges. It accommodates the largest range of pilots (the central 99 percent of the Air Force pilot population) of any tactical aircraft. It is the first baseline "night vision goggle" compatible cockpit, and it has designed-in growth capability for

f-22 raptor cockpit

The F-22's cockpit is one of the very first "all-glass" cockpits for tactical fighters - there are no traditional round dial, standby or dedicated gauges. It accommodates the largest range of pilots (the central 99 percent of the Air Force pilot population) of any tactical aircraft. It is the first baseline "night vision goggle" compatible cockpit, and it has designed-in growth capability for

Beberapa Jenis Makanan Sehat yg bisa menambah Daya Tahan Tubuh

 Jakarta - Sedang lelah dan terkena flu? Itu tandanya daya tahan tubuh sedang menurun. Coba saja perbanyak makan jamur, semangka, tiram dan bawang putih. Makanan bisa mendongkrak saya tahan tubuh hingga tak mudah terserang flu! Kondisi cuaca dan kelelahan bisa membuat daya tahan tubuh menurun dengan cepat. Beragam infeksi virus bisa dihindari jika daya tahan tubuh kuat. Dengan makan makanan

white gold wedding rings

Braided Wedding BandsHammered Wedding BandsCeltic Wedding BandsHand Carved Wedding RingsDiamond Wedding BandsPersonalized Wedding RingsPaisley Wedding BandsChristian Wedding RingsNarrow/Thin Wedding BandsPlain / Simple Wedding Rings

white gold wedding rings

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World's Most Unusual and Cool Bicycle

A bicycle, also known as a bike, pushbike or cycle, is a pedal-driven, human-powered, single-track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. A person who rides a bicycle is called a cyclist or a bicyclist.World's Most Unusual and Cool BicycleWorld's Most Unusual and Cool BicycleWorld's Most Unusual and Cool BicycleWorld's Most Unusual and Cool BicycleWorld's Most

World's Most Unusual and Cool Bicycle

A bicycle, also known as a bike, pushbike or cycle, is a pedal-driven, human-powered, single-track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. A person who rides a bicycle is called a cyclist or a bicyclist.World's Most Unusual and Cool BicycleWorld's Most Unusual and Cool BicycleWorld's Most Unusual and Cool BicycleWorld's Most Unusual and Cool BicycleWorld's Most

world's most amazing bikes

world's most amazing bikesworld's most amazing bikesworld's most amazing bikesworld's most amazing bikestitle"world's most amazing bikes"world's most amazing bikes

world's most amazing bikes

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harley davidson bike wallpaper

Harley-Davidson , often abbreviated H-D or Harley, is an American motorcycle manufacturer. Founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, during the first decade of the 20th century, it was one of two major American motorcycle manufacturers to survive the Great Depression.Harley-Davidson also survived a period of poor quality control and competition from Japanese manufacturersharley davidson bike

harley davidson bike wallpaper

Harley-Davidson , often abbreviated H-D or Harley, is an American motorcycle manufacturer. Founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, during the first decade of the 20th century, it was one of two major American motorcycle manufacturers to survive the Great Depression.Harley-Davidson also survived a period of poor quality control and competition from Japanese manufacturersharley davidson bike

limousine car interior wallpaper

There are so many state of the art technology gadgets for limousines used for limo hire services. One of such gadgets that have taken the limousine hire market by the storm is LCD screens. Most of the new model limos that are being produced now usually come with LCD screens in the passenger cabins. There is a serious rush for these cars by limo hire UK services. This is believed will give them an

limousine car interior wallpaper

There are so many state of the art technology gadgets for limousines used for limo hire services. One of such gadgets that have taken the limousine hire market by the storm is LCD screens. Most of the new model limos that are being produced now usually come with LCD screens in the passenger cabins. There is a serious rush for these cars by limo hire UK services. This is believed will give them an

limousine car wallpapers

A limousine (or limo) is a luxury vehicle sedan or saloon car, especially one with a lengthened wheelbase or driven by a chauffeur. The chassis of a limousine may have been extended by the manufacturer or by an independent coachbuilder. These are referred to as "stretch" limousines and are traditionally black or white in color. Limousines are usually liveried vehicles, driven by professional

limousine car wallpapers

A limousine (or limo) is a luxury vehicle sedan or saloon car, especially one with a lengthened wheelbase or driven by a chauffeur. The chassis of a limousine may have been extended by the manufacturer or by an independent coachbuilder. These are referred to as "stretch" limousines and are traditionally black or white in color. Limousines are usually liveried vehicles, driven by professional

23 march pakistan day wallpaper

23rd March was the day when the struggles were streamlined.There were no individual benefits, everyone was thinking on a broader prospect,everyone was thinking for the Muslims of the sub-continent and for Pakistan.There were no Sindhis, Balouchis, Pathans, Kashmiris,Punjabis and Bengalis, they were all part of a great Muslime nation.But Today What we Are…..Think About it.23 march pakistan day

23 march pakistan day wallpaper

23rd March was the day when the struggles were streamlined.There were no individual benefits, everyone was thinking on a broader prospect,everyone was thinking for the Muslims of the sub-continent and for Pakistan.There were no Sindhis, Balouchis, Pathans, Kashmiris,Punjabis and Bengalis, they were all part of a great Muslime nation.But Today What we Are…..Think About it.23 march pakistan day

Junior/ Middle Engineer & Project Engineer (RPE Engineering)

We are RPE GROUP also known as RPE-Engineering, Engineering & Contractor Companies for oil and gas industry immediately looking for several positions to be placed in our several projects: 1.Junior and Middle Engineer• Minimum Bachelor Degree from related major (Electrical/ Chemical/ Civil or Ocean / Physics/ Mechanical or Metallurgy/ Naval Architect Engineer) • For Middle Engineer Minimum 3 – 5

white tulips bouquet wallpapers

Tell your husband-to-be that he is your 'perfect lover' with a tulip wedding bouquet.Tulips bring out the happy mood on your wedding day. They come in multiple bright colours to make your wedding an unforgettable one.Especially because it comes in bright spring colours, it can be easily matched with your wedding gown. And the types vary, too. You can choose from a wide variety of tulips to suit

white tulips bouquet wallpapers

Tell your husband-to-be that he is your 'perfect lover' with a tulip wedding bouquet.Tulips bring out the happy mood on your wedding day. They come in multiple bright colours to make your wedding an unforgettable one.Especially because it comes in bright spring colours, it can be easily matched with your wedding gown. And the types vary, too. You can choose from a wide variety of tulips to suit

white tulips

The tulip is a perennial, bulbous plant with showy flowers in the genus Tulipa, which comprises 109 species and belongs to the family Liliaceae.The genus's native range extends from as far west as Southern Europe, North Africa, Anatolia, and Iran to the Northwest of China. The tulip's centre of diversity is in the Pamir, Hindu Kush, and Tien Shan mountains.A number of species and many hybrid

white tulips

The tulip is a perennial, bulbous plant with showy flowers in the genus Tulipa, which comprises 109 species and belongs to the family Liliaceae.The genus's native range extends from as far west as Southern Europe, North Africa, Anatolia, and Iran to the Northwest of China. The tulip's centre of diversity is in the Pamir, Hindu Kush, and Tien Shan mountains.A number of species and many hybrid

nokia e73 black

The Nokia E72 is a smartphone from the Nokia Eseries range that manufactured in Finland. It is the successor to the Nokia E71 and is based on a similar design and form factor, and offers a similar feature set. The Nokia E72 is an enterprise-based smartphone (as it is a Nokia Eseries device) and has standard features including mobile email, calendar and instant messaging amongst many others.nokia

nokia e73 black

The Nokia E72 is a smartphone from the Nokia Eseries range that manufactured in Finland. It is the successor to the Nokia E71 and is based on a similar design and form factor, and offers a similar feature set. The Nokia E72 is an enterprise-based smartphone (as it is a Nokia Eseries device) and has standard features including mobile email, calendar and instant messaging amongst many others.nokia

icc world cup 2011 quarter final schedule

ICC World Cup 2011 Quarter Final Matches Details1st Quarter Final – Pakistan vs West Indies Date: 23 March 2011 – Time 09:00 GMT[ Shere Bangla National Stadium, Mirpur ]2nd Quarter Final - India vs AustraliaDate: 24 March 2011 – Time 09:00 GMT[ Sardar Patel Stadium, Motera, Ahmedabad ]3rd Quarter Final - New Zealand vs South AfricaDate: 25 March 2011 – Time 09:00 GMT[ Shere Bangla National

icc world cup 2011 quarter final schedule

ICC World Cup 2011 Quarter Final Matches Details1st Quarter Final – Pakistan vs West Indies Date: 23 March 2011 – Time 09:00 GMT[ Shere Bangla National Stadium, Mirpur ]2nd Quarter Final - India vs AustraliaDate: 24 March 2011 – Time 09:00 GMT[ Sardar Patel Stadium, Motera, Ahmedabad ]3rd Quarter Final - New Zealand vs South AfricaDate: 25 March 2011 – Time 09:00 GMT[ Shere Bangla National

Blood Shell in Handil Menu

Blood shell or todai (people in east Kalimantan said) is one of seafood that have a good nutritious. Usually cooking and serve as broil, but cooking with some seasoning only (garlic, shallot, salt, chili) is delicious enough. Very cheap than fish or chicken, only Rp.10.000,- for 1-kg blood shell (big size) but for a little size you can buy Rp.7.500,- for 1-kg. Serve with sauce & vegetable…hummm….

Wozniacki brings Japanese flag on court to show support for victims

Wozniacki brings Japanese flag on court to show support for victimsWozniacki brings Japanese flag on court to show support for victimsWozniacki brings Japanese flag on court to show support for victimsWozniacki brings Japanese flag on court to show support for victimsWorld No. 1 Caroline Wozniacki led spectators at the BNP Paribas Open at Indian Wells, Calif. in a moment of silence for the

Wozniacki brings Japanese flag on court to show support for victims

Wozniacki brings Japanese flag on court to show support for victimsWozniacki brings Japanese flag on court to show support for victimsWozniacki brings Japanese flag on court to show support for victimsWozniacki brings Japanese flag on court to show support for victimsWorld No. 1 Caroline Wozniacki led spectators at the BNP Paribas Open at Indian Wells, Calif. in a moment of silence for the

Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Japan's Fukushima Nuclear PlantJapan's Fukushima Nuclear PlantJapan's Fukushima Nuclear PlantJapan's Fukushima Nuclear PlantJapan's Fukushima Nuclear PlantJapan's Fukushima Nuclear PlantEngineers at Japan's stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant have managed to lay a cable to reactor 2, the UN's nuclear watchdog reports.Restoring power should enable engineers to restart the pumps which send

Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Japan's Fukushima Nuclear PlantJapan's Fukushima Nuclear PlantJapan's Fukushima Nuclear PlantJapan's Fukushima Nuclear PlantJapan's Fukushima Nuclear PlantJapan's Fukushima Nuclear PlantEngineers at Japan's stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant have managed to lay a cable to reactor 2, the UN's nuclear watchdog reports.Restoring power should enable engineers to restart the pumps which send

Small Japanese village vanishes after tsunami

Small Japanese village vanishes after tsunamiSmall Japanese village vanishes after tsunamiSmall Japanese village vanishes after tsunamiSmall Japanese village vanishes after tsunamiSmall Japanese village vanishes after tsunamiSmall Japanese village vanishes after tsunamiJapan is facing mounting humanitarian and nuclear emergencies as the death toll from the earthquake and subsequent tsunami on

Small Japanese village vanishes after tsunami

Small Japanese village vanishes after tsunamiSmall Japanese village vanishes after tsunamiSmall Japanese village vanishes after tsunamiSmall Japanese village vanishes after tsunamiSmall Japanese village vanishes after tsunamiSmall Japanese village vanishes after tsunamiJapan is facing mounting humanitarian and nuclear emergencies as the death toll from the earthquake and subsequent tsunami on

Libya attacks under way

Libya attacks under wayLibya attacks under wayLibya attacks under wayLibya attacks under wayLibya attacks under wayLibya attacks under wayLibya attacks under wayMuammar Gaddafi has spoked by phone to Libyan television, saying he will arm civilians to defend Libya from what he called "crusader aggression" by Western forces that have launched air strikes against him:

Libya attacks under way

Libya attacks under wayLibya attacks under wayLibya attacks under wayLibya attacks under wayLibya attacks under wayLibya attacks under wayLibya attacks under wayMuammar Gaddafi has spoked by phone to Libyan television, saying he will arm civilians to defend Libya from what he called "crusader aggression" by Western forces that have launched air strikes against him:

west brom vs arsenal Premier League

west brom vs arsenal Premier Leaguewest brom vs arsenal Premier Leaguewest brom vs arsenal Premier Leaguewest brom vs arsenal Premier Leaguewest brom vs arsenal Premier Leaguewest brom vs arsenal Premier Leaguewest brom vs arsenal Premier LeagueArsenal avoided another defeat, which appeared to be their fate for two-thirds of the match, but they have now won only one of their past six – and that

west brom vs arsenal Premier League

west brom vs arsenal Premier Leaguewest brom vs arsenal Premier Leaguewest brom vs arsenal Premier Leaguewest brom vs arsenal Premier Leaguewest brom vs arsenal Premier Leaguewest brom vs arsenal Premier Leaguewest brom vs arsenal Premier LeagueArsenal avoided another defeat, which appeared to be their fate for two-thirds of the match, but they have now won only one of their past six – and that

Decision time on Libya

Decision time on LibyaDecision time on LibyaDecision time on LibyaDecision time on LibyaDecision time on LibyaAnti-Gaddafi rebels are calling on the international community for air strikes on Libya, but so far the Obama administration, in line with the EU and Nato, has shied away from military action.

Decision time on Libya

Decision time on LibyaDecision time on LibyaDecision time on LibyaDecision time on LibyaDecision time on LibyaAnti-Gaddafi rebels are calling on the international community for air strikes on Libya, but so far the Obama administration, in line with the EU and Nato, has shied away from military action.

America attack on libya

America attack on libyaAmerica attack on libyaAmerica attack on libyaAmerica attack on libyaAmerica attack on libyaAmerica attack on libyaIt was clear the U.S. intended to limit its role in the Libya intervention, focusing first on disabling or otherwise silencing Libyan air defenses, and then leaving it to European and perhaps Arab countries to enforce a no-fly zone over the North African nation.

America attack on libya

America attack on libyaAmerica attack on libyaAmerica attack on libyaAmerica attack on libyaAmerica attack on libyaAmerica attack on libyaIt was clear the U.S. intended to limit its role in the Libya intervention, focusing first on disabling or otherwise silencing Libyan air defenses, and then leaving it to European and perhaps Arab countries to enforce a no-fly zone over the North African nation.

2010 Premier League champion chelsea

2010 Premier League champion chelsea2010 Premier League champion chelsea2010 Premier League champion chelsea2010 Premier League champion chelsea2010 Premier League champion chelseaChelsea are now set to become the seventh team in the history of the game to win both the Premier League and the FA Cup if they can beat Portsmouth at Wembley.

2010 Premier League champion chelsea

2010 Premier League champion chelsea2010 Premier League champion chelsea2010 Premier League champion chelsea2010 Premier League champion chelsea2010 Premier League champion chelseaChelsea are now set to become the seventh team in the history of the game to win both the Premier League and the FA Cup if they can beat Portsmouth at Wembley.

2010 FA cup champion chelsea

2010 FA cup champion chelsea2010 FA cup champion chelsea2010 FA cup champion chelsea2010 FA cup champion chelsea2010 FA cup champion chelsea2010 FA cup champion chelsea2010 FA cup champion chelseaThe 2010 FA Cup Final was the 129th final of the FA Cup, the world's oldest domestic football cup competition. The match took place on 15 May 2010,[2] at Wembley Stadium, London. The match was contested

2010 FA cup champion chelsea

2010 FA cup champion chelsea2010 FA cup champion chelsea2010 FA cup champion chelsea2010 FA cup champion chelsea2010 FA cup champion chelsea2010 FA cup champion chelsea2010 FA cup champion chelseaThe 2010 FA Cup Final was the 129th final of the FA Cup, the world's oldest domestic football cup competition. The match took place on 15 May 2010,[2] at Wembley Stadium, London. The match was contested

All About Handil, Muara Jawa - East Kalimantan

Handil is located about +/- 80 km from balikpapan, we can received handil by land transportation in +/- 2 hours. From sepinggan airport we can use airport taxi with rate +/-Rp.300.000,- or by illegal rent car at airport (usually xenia) with rate +/- Rp.250.000,- include fuel or if want use public transportation you can walk outside of airport to roadway (front of airport) to transport by

Ulin Honey

This honey I’m get during consorting my family for shopping at museum tenggarong – kutai kertanegara, that time my family present shoping for their friend. Honey is one of drink containing a lot of nutritious that recommended. As per named, the ulin honey is from bee that sipping ulin wood. That make me interesting to buy this honey. Ulin honey color is like grape extract (brown).  The price is

Breakfast Menu in Handil

Foot Chicken SoupNot many choice for breakfast when you life in handil because just several booth is open, same like in the other place except in Jakarta that have many choice for breakfast.Menu for breakfast in handil that you can buy along roadside is yellow rice, pecel, lontong sayur & sup ceker ayam. Various kind of cake also you can find near football field simpang-3 handil.Yellow rice (nasi

FIFA World Cup 2014

The 2014 FIFA World Cup will be the 20th FIFA World Cup, an international association football tournament that is scheduled to take place in June and July 2014 in Brazil.This will be the second time the country has hosted the competition, the first being the 1950 FIFA World Cup. Brazil will become the fifth country to have hosted the FIFA World Cup twice, after Mexico, Italy, France and 

FIFA World Cup 2014

The 2014 FIFA World Cup will be the 20th FIFA World Cup, an international association football tournament that is scheduled to take place in June and July 2014 in Brazil.This will be the second time the country has hosted the competition, the first being the 1950 FIFA World Cup. Brazil will become the fifth country to have hosted the FIFA World Cup twice, after Mexico, Italy, France and 

Dell Inspiron 1545

Dell Inspiron 1545Dell Inspiron 1545Dell Inspiron 1545

Dell Inspiron 1545

Dell Inspiron 1545Dell Inspiron 1545Dell Inspiron 1545

Anna Kournikova

 Anna Kournikova Anna Kournikova Anna Kournikova Anna Kournikova Anna Kournikova Anna KournikovaAnna Kournikova is a retired Russian professional tennis player and model. She became a household name in the tennis world despite never becoming a dominant force on the court. Off the court, however, was another story and at one point in her career, “Anna Kournikova, pictures” was the most searched

Anna Kournikova

 Anna Kournikova Anna Kournikova Anna Kournikova Anna Kournikova Anna Kournikova Anna KournikovaAnna Kournikova is a retired Russian professional tennis player and model. She became a household name in the tennis world despite never becoming a dominant force on the court. Off the court, however, was another story and at one point in her career, “Anna Kournikova, pictures” was the most searched

Danica Patrick

 Danica Patrick Danica Patrick Danica Patrick Danica Patrick Danica PatrickTwo years ago we introduced you to Danica Patrick, at the time a rookie Indy car driver who was a serious threat to win The Indianapolis 500. We'll it's Indy weekend again (The Indy 500 airs Sunday, May 27 on ABC), and Danica is still a serious threat to win, but at this point in her career she's a bit more Kournikova than

Danica Patrick

 Danica Patrick Danica Patrick Danica Patrick Danica Patrick Danica PatrickTwo years ago we introduced you to Danica Patrick, at the time a rookie Indy car driver who was a serious threat to win The Indianapolis 500. We'll it's Indy weekend again (The Indy 500 airs Sunday, May 27 on ABC), and Danica is still a serious threat to win, but at this point in her career she's a bit more Kournikova than

westindies vs england icc world cup 2011

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westindies vs england icc world cup 2011

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india vs south africa icc world cup

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india vs south africa icc world cup

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Penyebab Rasa Sakit di Tubuh yang Tiba-tiba

Jakarta, Tanpa disadari kadang seseorang menemukan badannya terasa nyeri atau sakit tanpa diketahui penyebab pastinya. Ada beberapa faktor yang bisa menyebabkan seseorang tiba-tiba merasa sakit atau nyeri di tubuhnya.Rasa sakit atau nyeri yang muncul bisa terjadi pada sendi atau otot dan kadang disertai dengan lebam (warna ungu) di kulit tanpa diketahui apa penyebanya. Kondisi ini tentu saja

Construction & Commissioning Engineer (Conocco Philips)

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AT CONOCOPHILLIPS (Expiry date: March 29, 2011)Onshore Construction Engineer This Onshore Construction Engineer position will have the primary responsibility to develop the Construction Execution Plan(s), influence design engineering work to in regards to constructability issues, recruitment of site team, implements all logistical and HR solutions associated with

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F-16 Fighting Falcon

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Ulin wood for house column

Steel wood, is named for ulin that people at east Kalimantan said. Podium type (rumah panggung) is the traditional house at east Kalimantan due to this area is swamp. The traditional house is made from wood completely, but now new generation of people in east Kalimantan is use brick to substitute wood as wall.Strange, this the first word that I say when I see many people in east Kalimantan use

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japan earthquake kobe

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Lukas Podolski

Lukas Podolski Lukas Josef Podolski  born on 4 June 1985 is a German footballer who plays as a striker for FC Köln and for the German national team. He joined 1. FC Köln in 1995 where he broke into the first team in 2003 and made 81 appearances for the club before moving to Bayern Munich. After three years in Munich with mixed success, Podolski returned to Köln. He was first capped in 2004 and

Lukas Podolski

Lukas Podolski Lukas Josef Podolski  born on 4 June 1985 is a German footballer who plays as a striker for FC Köln and for the German national team. He joined 1. FC Köln in 1995 where he broke into the first team in 2003 and made 81 appearances for the club before moving to Bayern Munich. After three years in Munich with mixed success, Podolski returned to Köln. He was first capped in 2004 and

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Samuel Eto'o Wallpapers

Samuel Eto'oSamuel Eto'o Fils  (born 10 March 1981) is a Cameroonian professional footballer who plays as a striker for Italian Serie A club Internazionale. He is also the current captain of the Cameroon national team.Eto'o trained at Kadji Sports Academy.He also holds a Spanish passport to enable him not to count among the "foreign players" in the European Union.

Samuel Eto'o Wallpapers

Samuel Eto'oSamuel Eto'o Fils  (born 10 March 1981) is a Cameroonian professional footballer who plays as a striker for Italian Serie A club Internazionale. He is also the current captain of the Cameroon national team.Eto'o trained at Kadji Sports Academy.He also holds a Spanish passport to enable him not to count among the "foreign players" in the European Union.

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2011 ICC World Cup Cricket South Africa vs Netherlands

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L&T-Valdel Engineering Pvt. Ltd Presentation

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PAL Experience in Oil & Gas

ONSHORE GAS PROCESSING FACILITIES – OYONG PHASE2Owner : SANTOS (SAMPANG) PTY. LTDClient : SANTOS (SAMPANG) PTY. LTDBidder role : Main ContractorConstruction Location : PT PAL Indonesia’s Shop.PT. Indonesia Power – Grati, Pasuruan Site Construction LocationProject Duration : 19 (Nineteenth) Months, February 2008 – September 2009.Plant Location : PT. Indonesia Power – Grati, PasuruanProject Scope :

Tomat Menumpas Kanker Prostat

Jakarta - Khusus bagi pria, ada cara mudah menangkal kanker prostat. Selalu menyingkirkan potongan tomat dalam sandwich atau salad? Ubah kebiasaan tersebut dari sekarang. Dengan memakan sayuran ini setiap hari, Anda bakal terhindar dari kanker prostat!Buah yang berwarna merah cantik ini cukup mudah dijumpai. Rasanya asam-asam segar, tidak hanya enak dijadikan campuran salad, tapi juga bisa

Bayam dan Jagung Atasi Katarak

Jakarta - Makanan yang baik untuk mata ternyata tidak hanya yang kaya akan vitamin A saja. Jeruk dan jambu yang kaya akan vitamin C juga berperan penting untuk menghindarkan mata dari katarak lho!Tiap kali ditanya, makanan apa yang baik untuk mata jawabnya pasti lah wortel dan tomat. Dengan alasan yang sudah pasti bawa kedua sayur itu merupakan sumber vitamin A yang baik untuk kesehatan mata.

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Kolesterol, Kunci Panjang Umur Pria

KOMPAS.com -  Penelitian menunjukkan, kualitas kesehatan seorang pria dapat ditentukan pula oleh kadar kolesterol dalam darahnya. Mereka yang mampu menjaga kestabilan kadar kolesterol baik atau HDL-nya, relatif memiliki umur yang panjang.Menurut kajian para peneliti di Boston yang dipublikasikan American Journal of Cardiology, pria yang mampu mencapai usia 85 tahun cenderung memiliki tingkat

Zat Aditif Ini Aman Dikonsumsi

Kompas.com — Mendengar kata-kata pengawet, pewarna, pemberi aroma, pelembut, atau pemanis tambahan, banyak orang langsung bergidik ngeri membayangkan bahan-bahan berbahaya yang dapat merusak kesehatan, bahkan mencetuskan kanker.Jangan paranoid dulu! Pewarna, pemanis, dan bahan-bahan lainnya itu termasuk dalam bahan tambahan pangan (BTP) atau campuran bahan kimia yang ditambahkan untuk memperbaiki

Memprihatinkan, Salah Kaprah Pandang Vegetarian

BALIKPAPAN, KOMPAS.com - Salah kaprah masyarakat kala mencermati pola makan vegetarian adalah hal yang memprihatinkan. Semakin memprihatinkan ketika data-data ilmiah tentang bagusnya sayuran dan buah, telah terpapar, tetapi hanya segelintir pakar gizi dan nutrisi di Indonesia yang menyuarakannya.Ketua Indonesia Vegetarian Society yang juga Koordinator International Vegetarian Union (IVU) Asia

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Various positions (Total E&P)

TOTAL is the world’s fifth-largest international oil and gas company and a world-class chemical manufacturer which employs more than 110,000 people in over 130 countries worldwide.   TOTAL E&P INDONESIE is a 100% Indonesian Subsidiary of the Paris based TOTAL Group, having its Head Office in Jakarta and operational sites in East Kalimantan.  Due to the high-level development activities to meet

Various positions (Amec Berca)

PT. AMEC Berca Indonesia (ABI) a Joint venture company of CCM Group and AMEC Group providing engineering & asset support services to the Indonesian oil and gas industry is seeking high qualified candidates to strengthen our team. The company provides high-value, innovative design, engineering and asset support solutions to the oil & gas industry and plans to expand to other market segments.

Belanak FPSO Topsides Construction and Integration (McDermott)

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5. Chicoasén Dam, Mexico – 261m5. Chicoasén Dam, Mexico – 261m5. Chicoasén Dam, Mexico – 261m5. Chicoasén Dam, Mexico – 261m

5. Chicoasén Dam, Mexico – 261m

5. Chicoasén Dam, Mexico – 261m5. Chicoasén Dam, Mexico – 261m5. Chicoasén Dam, Mexico – 261m5. Chicoasén Dam, Mexico – 261m

4. Vajont Dam, Italy – 261.6m

4. Vajont Dam, Italy – 261.6m4. Vajont Dam, Italy – 261.6m4. Vajont Dam, Italy – 261.6m4. Vajont Dam, Italy – 261.6m4. Vajont Dam, Italy – 261.6m

4. Vajont Dam, Italy – 261.6m

4. Vajont Dam, Italy – 261.6m4. Vajont Dam, Italy – 261.6m4. Vajont Dam, Italy – 261.6m4. Vajont Dam, Italy – 261.6m4. Vajont Dam, Italy – 261.6m

3. Inguri Dam, Georgia – 271.5m

3. Inguri Dam, Georgia – 271.5m3. Inguri Dam, Georgia – 271.5m3. Inguri Dam, Georgia – 271.5m3. Inguri Dam, Georgia – 271.5m3. Inguri Dam, Georgia – 271.5m

3. Inguri Dam, Georgia – 271.5m

3. Inguri Dam, Georgia – 271.5m3. Inguri Dam, Georgia – 271.5m3. Inguri Dam, Georgia – 271.5m3. Inguri Dam, Georgia – 271.5m3. Inguri Dam, Georgia – 271.5m

2. Grande Dixence Dam, Switzerland – 285m

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1. Nurek Dam, Tajikistan – 300m

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1. Nurek Dam, Tajikistan – 300m

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